Wake Up Call partners up with 350.org: “Wake Up, Build the Solutions, Build the Action!”Here’s some great news for the European youth climate movement. Together with 350.org, UKYCC and Nest, we’re creating a bunch of new international climate leaders. We’re gathering 40 young climate actors from across Europe in Berlin on August 28th–29th for trainings in global campaigning, social entrepreneurship and traditional and social media tactics. Nine of these leaders will be from Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland) and Wake Up Call will hand-pick them. This is your opportunity to pick up the skills you need from successful professionals and current movement leaders. Going home you will be a 10/10/10 ambassador determined to make 350 Global Work Party on October 10th as widespread as possible. Indicate and motivate your interest to sven@wakeupcall.se and maybe we’ll see you in Berlin in the end of August!
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