Author: Katharina

  • Klassresa till klimattoppmötet i Paris?

    Vill du och din klass åka på en spännande resa till FN:s klimattoppmöte i Paris (COP21)?
    Den 27-29 november hålls en ungdomskonferens (COY11) i samband med FN:s toppmöte och Wake-Up Call kan erbjuda din skola hjälp med förberedelser inför resan, boende och deltagande i ungdomskonferensen.

    Deltagare i ungdomskonferensen i Warszawa 2013
    Deltagare i ungdomskonferensen i Warszawa 2013

    Vi har deltagit i flera klimatkonferenser för ungdomar i samband med tidigare COP-möten: 2005 Montréal, 2008 Poznań och 2009 Köpenhamn. Dessutom hjälpte vi över 100 svenska elever från tre skolor att förbereda sig och delta i COY9 i Warszawa 2013.

    I år äger den historiska klimatkonferensen COP21 rum i Paris där ett nytt globalt klimatavtal ska förhandlas fram. I samband med toppmötet hålls en ungdomskonferens där unga från hela världen samlas för att samarbeta, lära sig mer om internationell klimatpolitik, utbyta erfarenheter och påverka politiker att ta sitt ansvar för en hållbar framtid.

    Wake-Up Call har möjlighet att stödja din skola med det praktiska inför ungdomskonferensen samt att förbereda eleverna inför ett aktivt deltagande i COY11. För mer information vänligen kontakta oss på

  • Class Trip to the Climate Summit in Paris?

    Would you like your class to go on an exciting and educating trip to the UN Climate Summit in Pari (COP21)?
    On November 27–29th a youth climate conference (COY11) is taking place in connection with the UN climate talks. Wake-Up Call is offering to help your school with preparation before the trip, finding accommodation in Paris and with participation in the youth conference itself.

    Participants of the youth climate conference in Warsaw 2013
    Participants of the youth climate conference in Warsaw 2013

    In the past 10 years we have participated in a number of climate conferences for the youth, organised on the sidelines of the COPs: in 2005 in Montréal, in 2008 in Poznań, and in 2009 in Copenhagen. We also helped over 100 Swedish high-school students from three different schools to prepare for and participate in COY9 in Warsaw in November 2013.

    This year a historical climate meeting COP21 is taking place in Paris, where a new global climate treaty is expected to be negotiated and signed. In connection with the summit a youth conference will also be held in Paris, where young people from all over the world will gather to work together, learn more about the international climate politics, exchange experiences and influence politicians from their own countries to take their responsibility for a sustainable and climate-safe future.

    Wake-Up Call has an opportunity to support your school with practical aspects of the class trip and help your students prepare for an active participation in COY11. For more information please contact us as

  • Kick-off with Ekolibria at Uppsala University

    This Sunday Wake-Up Call headed to Uppsala to join forces with Ekolibria – an Uppsala university-based student organisation that aims to spread knowledge on sustainable development to enhance the young generations’s ability to participate in the creation of a more sustainable future. Sounds quite similar to Wake-Up Call’s own mission, doesn’t it? So it was only natural that we held a joint kick-off at Uppsala University.

    Wake-Up Call’s representatives and nine eager Ekolibrians met to exchange ideas, share presentations and simply to get to know each other better over the tasty home-made vegetarian dishes that Ekolibria’s members prepared for the kick-off. In the afternoon Wake-Up Call facilitated ‘Redesign the World’ workshop, helping Ekolibria to develop plans and ideas for the spring semester.

    All of us at Wake-Up Call are very exited to have made this wonderful connection with like-minded people. You’ll hear more about our practical cooperation with Ekolibria soon enough!

  • New Year for Wake-Up Call and New Partner Joining

    Hello everyone!

    Wake-Up Call is waking-up from its winter sleep and gearing up for a great new year ahead!

    This weekend we held a kick-off event at the Young Innovation Hub in Stockholm to make plans and strategies for a new chapter in Wake-Up Call’s life.

    Over the past six years we at Wake-Up Call have been experimenting and growing, developing and implementing new successful forms of youth engagement for groups big and small, in schools and universities, at youth conferences and NGOs, in Sweden and abroad. The last two years have been particularly successful in terms of scale and ambition of our projects. That’s why we feel confident that now is the right time to re-establish our solid presence in Sweden, expand to neighbouring countries, and to scale-up the impact of our projects.

    To help put this new vision into reality we have a new managing partner joining the company in 2015: Katharina Stark. In the course of the next few weeks she is going to take over the executive leadership of the company and assume the role of a new co-director – meaning running day-to-day operations of Wake-Up Call and making sure that the company is running smoothly and growing in a sustainable and healthy way. Oleg Izyumenko, the original co-founder and an executive director of the past six years will remain onboard as a Senior Partner, helping Katharina with administrative tasks and contributing to strategic planning. Oleg will be especially involved during this period of transition, handing over the contacts, partnerships, as well as the institutional memory and accumulated knowledge of Wake-Up Call.

    Katharina Stark and Oleg Izyumenko
    Katharina and Oleg
