Discovering Gothenburg

Yep, it’s official: Wake-Up Call has just established its third regional office (after Skåne and Stockholm) in Sweden’s second-largest city of Gothenburg, on the west coast. The city is very beautiful and our new local team is fantastic and dedicated. Part of our team is made up of students of Chalmers University of Technology (who are also active members of the student NGO Chalmers Students for Sustainability) and another part of local volunteers for one of the biggest environmental NGOs.

It is exciting to explore a new city, establish new partnerships, build new relationships and reconnect with old friends. Occasions are plenty, Gothenburg has a lot to offer in terms of networking events, workshops, mingles, interesting lectures, sustainability-themed cafés and informal gatherings. Just two days ago our team attended a talk in Ekocentrum delivered by two of our all-time favourite role-models, Anders Wijkman and Johan Rockström. It was amazing to see how many of our partners and old friends popped up at that event, and the presentation itself was fantastic.

Another example was the last week’s book launch and workshop organised by our friends and partners Niklas Hill and Angeli Sjöström. To all of you working with recruiting, engaging, retaining and training members of your organisation this book can be a valuable source of successful recipes for success. At this event we met a fellow social entrepreneur Johan Bard, who initiated a new collaboration network “Teaching for Sustainability”. It sounded like something that Wake-Up Call would be really interested in being involved with, so we jumped right in and are now going to the network’s next gathering on April 27th. If you’re situated in Gothenburg or close enough in the Västra Götaland region and work with communicating and teaching a range of sustainability-related issues then we think you should definitely join us there.

The next meeting on our agenda, however, is an upcoming seminar with the Swedish Plan B network that our good friends and partners Lars Almström and Doris Norrgård Almström are organising in Gothenburg on Sunday. We will discuss problematic of growth and try to find new synergies in our respective work areas.

It is really exciting to find so many like-minded people and organisations in this city and together explore opportunities for new collaborative projects in the region. And, oh boy, our business cards are flying away at an amazing speed in this city, so we better order new ones soon (printed on recycled paper, of course). 😉


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