Author: Annika Hagberg

  • Heroes of Today

    The magazine's cover challenges to Wake Up!
    The magazine’s cover challenges to Wake Up!

    The first edition of the new magazine Heroes of Today struck Earth early September this year. It is a colorful explosion of inspiration with “84 pages of people who change the world”, as it says on the cover. Instead of yet another magazine that brings up current problems with environment, climate, society and economy, Heroes of Today points to those sources of light all over the world that are people who try to change the situation and create a better, more just and fun world.

    When I was given the magazine, I sat down and read it from cover to cover. Easy to read, informative and fun articles of varying length span a wide spectrum of people, with everything from social entrepreneurs and biking music artists to inspirers and guerilla farmers. Sophy Elevall (chief editor) and Magnus Åkerlind (chief publisher) have truly succeeded with the idea of creating an inspiring feel-good magazine for young, environmentally aware people from all spheres of interest. There is something here for the idealist, the activist, the entrepreneur and the fashionmonger, as well as for those who are simply curious about what is going on in the world.


  • Heroes of Today

    Magasinets framsida utmanar  till att ”vakna upp”
    Magasinets framsida utmanar till att ”vakna upp”

    Första upplagan av tidningen Heroes of Today slog ner tidigare i september i år. Det är en färgsprakande inspirationsbomb med ”84 sidor med människor som förändrar världen”, som det står på omslaget. Istället för ännu en tidning som tar upp aktuella problem inom miljö, klimat, samhälle och ekonomi, inriktar sig istället Heroes of Today på att visa de ljuskällor av människor världen över som gör något för att förändra situationen och skapa en bättre, mer rättvis och rolig värld.

    När jag fick tidningen i min hand satte jag mig ner och sträckläste den. Lättlästa, informativa och roliga texter i varierande längd spänner över ett brett människospektrum med allt från samhällsentreprenörer och cyklande musikartister till inspiratörer och gerillaodlare. Sophy Elevall (chefredaktör) och Magnus Åkerlind (ansvarig utgivare) har verkligen lyckats med idén att skapa en inspirerande feel-good-tidning för unga, miljömedvetna människor inom alla intressesfärer! Det finns något för såväl idealisten, aktivisten, entreprenören och modelejonet, som för den som bara är lite nyfiken på vad som händer i världen.


  • Entering reality – My first mission for Wake Up Call

    My name is Annika and I’m one of the five new assets of Wake-Up Call (or four and a half, since Calle has been a part of the organization before). I went on the Wake Up Call train together with the new recruits Maja, Valter and Mia last weekend and already Tuesday morning I got to go on my first gig.

    Wake Up Call, newly expanded
    Photo © Hacon Bickerton & Steven Bland. From left to right: Annika, Mia, Oleg, Sven, Maja, Carl, Valter

    I set the alarm for 5.15 am and got up to go to work before sunrise (first time this season). Sven and I got on a train to Sölvesborg and talked constantly (over some magic vanilla buns) during the two hour ride there, going through the workshop we were gonna have with 170 8th and 9th graders, what to expect and what to focus on. Initially, the students were to see a play by the theater group Teater Barbara, which brought up the environmental issues and climate change that we humans have imposed on our planet. Followingly, Sven and I were to inspire the students in smaller groups and help them formulate ideas for a better world and help them develop those ideas into projects able to be carried out.
