After the amazing Power Shift this weekend a lot of us are a bit blown away and have needed some time to grasp it all. I myself feel as exuberated and full of hope as I did this Sunday. Damn, it was a great conference!
Without trying to sound self-glorifying my absolute peak was when me and Charlotte facilitated the workshop ‘Redesign the World’ on Saturday with some of the most amazing young climate leaders I have ever met. The level of engagement you showed and the bright ideas you developed from just ideas to clear-cut projects is what warms me this October day. Just the fact that the projects you initiated were pitched to key partners within an hour after the worskshop tells us a lot about what key figures attended the conference. The fact that they were met with open arms makes me believe in a very, very bright future for the Swedish youth climate movement.
Thank you so much to all of you who participated, not only in the workshop but in the conference as a whole. What you do is vital!