Tag: powershift

  • Power Shift workshop and the UN climate negotiations session in Bonn

    Doing inspirational presentations with Wake-Up Call in the past year and a half I have been sharing a personal dream of bringing a Power Shift to Sweden. Now it seems like it’s going to happen. Last weekend I arrived to Bonn with a fabulous group of Swedish youth organisers from Stockholm, Lund, Uppsala and Gothenburg (some of them quite involved with Wake-Up Call in those places – a fact highlighted by our new beautiful T-shirts), on the picture below:

    Swedish participants of the Power Shift training workshop in Bonn
    Participants and trainers of the Power Shift training workshop (left to right): Andy, Johan, Oleg, Adam, Mervi, Johanna, Henrik, Alex

    The workshop with our friends from the UKYCC was very inspiring and empowering. The representatives of our local teams around Sweden are now stoked more than ever to contribute to the organising process to have a fantastic Power Shift event in October. Now the task is to bring the rest of the organising team together and give them the same inspirational and capacity-building experience as the one we just got here in Bonn. Which is exactly what we have in mind for this weekend in Lund, where our British friends will do their magic once again – something they’ve been doing all around Europe for the past five weeks. So if you’re interested in joining the Power Shift Sweden team, please come to Lund on June 18–19th and we promise you a truly energising and empowering time together.

  • On the road

    Schools kids in Belogorsk, Ukraine, organised activities for a safe-climate future
    Schools kids in Belogorsk, Ukraine, organised activities for a safe-climate future

    Right now I’m in the middle point of my two-weeks tour through the Nordic, Baltic and Eastern European countries. There’s been many presentations, speeches, workshops, meetings and conversations (and a healthy amount of partying, too). And, as my vocal chords have begun to fail me, I decided to take a minute and communicate via written text, not with spoken words.

    My tour started last Tuesday, on April 12th, with a two-days stay on Tjärö in Blekinge, with a fantastic group of teenagers from Klaipeda in Lithuania, Kaliningrad in Russia and Karlskrona in Sweden discussed the climate and environmental issues of the Baltic Sea region. Sven, Maja and myself delivered a presentation on youth climate action and facilitated a workshop ‘Redesign the World’ in three parallel groups. The project was organised by our friends in Blekinge, Green Teens, and was led by the project manager Sissa Pagels.