Tag: Malmö

  • Intensive and fun days at Nya Malmö Latin with ‘Young Ideas for Europe’

    Students are working hard on a political manifesto for sustainable future
    Students are working hard on a political manifesto for sustainable future © IFOK GmbH

    It’s half-way into the project week with ‘Young Ideas for Europe’ and so far we have had tonnes of new information that the participants absorbed from expert presentations, videos, and watching the live stream of 24 Hours of Reality“, organised by Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project. At this very moment the students of Nya Malmö Latin are creating their political manifestos for the role-play, as well as working on their own positive vision for the energy and climate policies in Europe in the next 15 years that will be delivered to EU’s top politicians in Brussels in a month from now.

    We all learn new things every day. Not only the students, but the facilitators as well. Together we are doing the math and asking critical questions, trying to make peace with the fact that there are no definite answers, but only a definite direction we need to go, and an overwhelming sense of urgency to follow a sustainable path.

    On the project’s first day on Monday we had one of the lead authors of the IPCC’s latest assessment report, professor Markku Rummukainen, joining us at the school and delivering a brilliant and well-balanced presentation. Tuesday was filled with politics, inspiringly presented by Lorenz Tovatt, a spokesperson of the Swedish Young Greens, and Anna Bengtsson from the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation. Positive visions for Swedish and European climate and energy policies were brainstormed in the afternoon of the second day. Wednesday marked the start of the two-days long role-play.

    It’s half-way through the project week of ‘Young Ideas for Europe’ at Nya Malmö Latin, but only a starting point for these young people’s engagement with climate politics. And we are there with them to support them on every step along this way towards a climate-safe, prosperous, and just world for all.

  • Action plans and inspiration ahead of the class trip to Warsaw

    ‘Redesign the World’ in the afternoon helped create new ideas for implementation in Malmö, at Nya Malmö Latin, and in Warsaw
    ‘Redesign the World’ in the afternoon helped create new ideas for implementation in Malmö, at Nya Malmö Latin, and in Warsaw

    On October 17th Wake-Up Call’s representatives Malin, Lovisa and Johline held an inspirational kick-off for those sixty students of a model school for sustainability in Malmö, Nya Malmö Latin, who will go to the Conference of Youth (aka Power Shift Central and Eastern Europe) that will take place just before COP19 in Warsaw. Thursday morning was filled with inspiration and information, while the afternoon gave space for action planning and to form new ideas for a better world.

    The end of the day was just the beginning for many students. Many new ideas, thoughts and new inspiration were born, when the “Power Teams” that we created presented their ideas in front of the rest of the students. Project ideas that were developed during the day can all be implemented in reality, and many of the group were eager to push these ideas forward in their school. We at Wake-Up Call are really looking forward to see how these ideas will be accepted by the school’s management and how they will be implemented in the school. It was also fantastic to talk to enthusiastic teachers who were confident in their students’ capacity to take these ideas forward and actually make something real out of them. Another great day in Malmö!

  • Aktionsplaner och inspiration inför klassresan till Warszawa

    ‘Redesign the World’ under eftermiddagen resulterade i nya idéer för att ta vidare i Malmö, på Nya Malmö Latin och i Warszawa
    ‘Redesign the World’ under eftermiddagen resulterade i nya idéer för att ta vidare i Malmö, på Nya Malmö Latin och i Warszawa

    Den 17:e oktober höll Wake-Up Calls representanter Malin, Lovisa och Johline en inspirationsdag och “klimat-kick-off” för de sextio elever på Naturskyddsföreningens modellgymnasieskola Nya Malmö Latin som kommer att åka till Conference of Youth (aka Power Shift Central and Eastern Europe), som ska ske strax innan COP19 i Warszawa. Förmiddagen fylldes med inspiration och information medan eftermiddagen var ett tillfälle för aktion och att forma sina idéer för en bättre värld.

    Dagens slut var för många en början på nya tankar, idéer och ny inspiration, när de Power-Teams som vi format presenterade sina idéer framför resten av grupperna. Projektidéerna som togs fram under dagen är alla genomförbara och flera av grupperna var ivriga att ta idéerna vidare i skolan. Vi på Wake-Up Call ser fram emot att vittna hur det tas emot av skolledning och hur det implementeras av skolan. Det var också kul att prata med engagerade lärare som var mån om att eleverna skulle kunna ta sina idéer och tankar vidare och faktiskt skapa någonting av det. En annan lyckad dag i Malmö!