Right now I’m in the middle point of my two-weeks tour through the Nordic, Baltic and Eastern European countries. There’s been many presentations, speeches, workshops, meetings and conversations (and a healthy amount of partying, too). And, as my vocal chords have begun to fail me, I decided to take a minute and communicate via written text, not with spoken words.
My tour started last Tuesday, on April 12th, with a two-days stay on Tjärö in Blekinge, with a fantastic group of teenagers from Klaipeda in Lithuania, Kaliningrad in Russia and Karlskrona in Sweden discussed the climate and environmental issues of the Baltic Sea region. Sven, Maja and myself delivered a presentation on youth climate action and facilitated a workshop ‘Redesign the World’ in three parallel groups. The project was organised by our friends in Blekinge, Green Teens, and was led by the project manager Sissa Pagels.