Tag: facilitation

  • Wake Up Call at Globsol in Finland

    Some of Swedish participants on the ferry from Stockholm to Helsinki
    Some of Swedish participants on the ferry from Stockholm to Helsinki

    Friendship and cooperation between Sweden and its neighbouring country, Finland, is easily left behind in a globalizing world. This last weekend Wake Up Call went to facilitate workshops at the yearly conference called Globsol in Finland, which aims at bridging and strengthening the relations between Finnish and Swedish youth. This year’s theme of the conference was ‘international trade’. In four different workshops, out of which Wake Up Call was helping to facilitate two (one on Corporate Social Responsibility and one on Climate), the participants went through an intensive weekend with exchanged personal stories, knowledge and practical work.

    The conference was graced by some great keynote speakers and panelists, among them researches, politicians and investment bankers. They all did their very best to provide information and inspiration to the workshops’ participant and to fuel their enthusiasm.

    Wake Up Call thanks the skilful and capable organisers of the Globsol–2010 and all the wonderful participants for the intense, productive and fun weekend that we had together in Hanaholmen! We hope to see you all again soon!